Informação geral
The I2P network includes a plugin architecture to support both easy development and installation of new plugins.
There are now plugins available that support distributed email, blogs, IRC clients, distributed file storage, wikis, and more.
Adding Plugins To Your I2P Router
I2P Plugins can be installed by copying the plugin download URL onto the appropriate section on the Router Console Plugin Configuration Page.
Start by copying the plugin URL from the page where it is published.

Then visit the plugin configuration page, which you can find linked on the console homepage.

Paste in the URL and click the "Install Plugin" button.

Benefícios para os usuários da I2P e desenvolvedores de aplicações:
- Fácil distribuição de aplicativos
- Allows innovation and use of additional libraries without worrying about
increasing the size of
- Support large or special-purpose applications that would never be bundled with the I2P installation
- Aplicativos verificados e assinados com criptografia
- Atualizações automática de aplicações, tal como para o roteador
- Separate initial install and update packages, if desired, for smaller update downloads
- One-click installation of applications. No more asking users to modify
- Isolate applications from the base
installation - Automatic compatibility checking for I2P version, Java version, Jetty version, and previous installed application version
- Automatic link addition in console
- Automatic startup of application, including modifying classpath, without requiring a restart
- Automatic integration and startup of webapps into console Jetty instance
- Facilitate creation of 'app stores' like the one at
- Desinstalação em um clique.
- Pacotes de temas e idiomas para o painel
- Bring detailed application information to the router console
- Aplicativos não-java também suportados
Versão do roteador I2P necessária
0.7.12 ou mais recente.
Updating a Plugin
To update a plugin to the latest version, just click the update button on configclients.jsp. There is also a button to check if the plugin has a more recent version, as well as a button to check for updates for all plugins. Plugins will be checked for updates automatically when updating to a new I2P release (not including dev builds).

See the latest plugin specification
See also the sources for plugins developed by various people. Some plugins, such as snowman, were developed specifically as examples.
Primeiros passos
To create a plugin from an existing binary package you will need to get from the i2p.scripts repository in git.
Problemas conhecidos
Note that the router's plugin architecture does NOT currently provide any additional security isolation or sandboxing of plugins.
- Updates of a plugin with included jars (not wars) won't be recognized if the plugin was already run, as it requires class loader trickery to flush the class cache; a full router restart is required.
- The stop button may be displayed even if there is nothing to stop.
- Extensões rodando em Máquina Virtual Java separada criam um diretório de
. - No initial keys are present, except for those of jrandom and zzz (using the same keys as for router update), so the first key seen for a signer is automatically accepted—there is no signing key authority.
- Quando se apaga uma extensão, o diretório nem sempre é apagado, especialmente no Windows.
- Installing a plugin requiring Java 1.6 on a Java 1.5 machine will result in a "plugin is corrupt" message if pack200 compression of the plugin file is used.
- Theme and translation plugins are untested.
- Desativar a autoinicialização nem sempre funciona.