Halaman ini terakhir diperbarui pada s2023-01.

Reseed Policy Information


Requirements for running a public reseed server:

  • Well integrated running I2P router @ 24/7
  • Server with static IPv4 (2 cpu/ 2GB ram is fine)
  • Unix to run the golang solution
  • Own domain, sub-domain or an anonymous third-level domain
  • A self-signed SSL certificate, or an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt
  • Enough bandwidth and traffic volume - Around 15 GB/month as of December 2016
  • Up-to-date web server (Apache/nginx), HTTPS ONLY with TLS 1.2 and good ciphers
  • fail2ban to protect you from botnets
  • GnuPG/PGP for signed/encrypted emails
  • IPv6

Informasi yang Diperlukan

When your setup is complete and ready for testing, we will need the HTTPS URL, the SSL public key certificate (only if selfsigned), and the su3 public key certificate. After testing is complete, these will be added to the hardcoded entries in the Java and C++ routers in the next release, and you will start seeing traffic. We also will need your email address so we may continue to contact you about reseed administration issues. The email will not be made public but will be known to the other reseed operators. You should expect that your nick or name and its association with that URL or IP will become public.

Kebjiakan Privasi

Reseed operator adalah memiliki peran terpercaya dalam jaringan. Sementara kita belum memiliki kebijakan privasi formal, Anda harus memastikan privasi pengguna kami dengan tidak mempublikasikan log atau IPs yang ditemukan di log, kecuali diperlukan untuk mendiskusikan isu-isu administrasi dengan tim I2P reseed.

Dukungan Keuangan

Dukungan keuangan sederhana mungkin tersedia ke server reseed yang berfungsi. Dukungan ini adalah penggantian sebagian untuk biaya server. Dukungan tidak akan dibayar di muka dan mungkin tidak akan menutupi semua pengeluaran anda. Dukungan hanya tersedia bagi mereka yang telah menjalankan server reseed dalam performa yang baik selama beberapa bulan, dan didasarkan pada kebutuhan sebenarnya.

If you would like to discuss support, please contact echelon and CC: zzz