• Dikirimkan: 2020-05-25
  • Penulis: zzz
  • Diposting di release

0.9.46 berisi peningkatan kinerja yang signifikan di streaming library. Kami telah menyelesaikan pengembangan enkripsi ECIES (proposal 144) dan sekarang ada opsi untuk mengaktifkannya untuk pengujian.

Windows users only: This release fixes a local privilege escalation vulnerability which could be exploited by a local user that has the ability to run programs. Please apply the update as soon as possible. Thanks to Blaze Infosec for their responsible disclosure of the issue.

Ini adalah rilis terakhir yang mendukung Java 7, paket Debian Wheezy and Stretch, dan paket Ubuntu Precise dan Trusty. Pengguna di platform tersebut harus melakukan upgrade distro untuk menerima pembaruan I2P di masa depan.

Seperti biasanya, kami merekomendasikan agar Anda memperbarui ke rilis ini. Cara terbaik untuk mengelola keamanan dan bantuan pada jaringan adalah dengan menjalankan rilis terbaru.


Beberapa perubahan

  • ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet encryption complete, ready for testing (proposal 144)
  • Hidden Services Manager: Redesign edit pages
  • i2psnark: Fix marking torrents as BAD at startup
  • NetDB: Support ECIES replies to lookups (proposal 154)
  • RRD4J 3.5 replaces jrobin
  • Streaming performance improvments using Westwood+ congestion control

Perbaikan Bug

  • Hidden Services Manager: Fixes for changing shared client options, prevent changing certain options while tunnel is running
  • Reproducible build fix
  • Streaming: Multiple fixes
  • UPnP: Several fixes for changing interfaces and devices
  • Windows: Fix permissions on install directory


  • Build process changes to support git
  • Console: Don't show IPv6 temporary addresses as bind options
  • Console: Fix up javascript, stricter Content Security Policy
  • Crypto: Disable speculative tagset usage
  • Eepsites: Add Jetty GzipHandler for Jetty 9.3+
  • I2CP: Disable gzip for HTTP server tunnels and i2psnark
  • i2psnark: Connect out to other seeds to fetch new comments
  • i2psnark: Support file paths in add form
  • NetDB: Don't send "fake hash" to indicate exploration
  • Profiles: Change decay algorithm
  • Profiles: Limit average speed calculation to high capacity peers
  • Router: Auto-floodfill now class N minimum
  • Router: Checks for key certificates in destinations (proposal 145)
  • Router: Enforce minimum version for tunnel peers
  • SusiDNS: Support adding Base 32 addresses
  • Pembaruan terjemahan

Full list of fixed bugs

Checksum SHA256:

2809402371b635ecb4260de3e791270c06ed3d55830ed099062e7546136419f8  i2pinstall_0.9.46_windows.exe
bc8ec63e1df5eba7b22c57a143ff177a1fb208f793f07ecf249f3589029def1e  i2pinstall_0.9.46.jar
ab0eb691b2753277738fe16ddc46349a24fd66b6323deae987f7c927272befd8  i2psource_0.9.46.tar.bz2
f0e7eed82a17e221c0bf604686518e85828f4a0a32c87a24c107e2c7492671cc  i2pupdate_0.9.46.zip
94d3c8ce82fa33224b446958a7eb6ad8aa403850ca01238f949c93b52830b122  i2pupdate.su3