I2P 提供了一个通用的命名库和一个基本实现 用于从本地名称到目的地的映射,以及一个称为 地址簿的附加应用程序. I2P也支持 Base32 主机地址 就像Tor的.onion地质。
地址簿是一个信任网络驱动的安全、分布式和人类可读的命名系统, 只是牺牲了人类可读名称的全球唯一性的要求,只规定了 本地唯一性。 虽然I2P的所有信息都是按目的地加密编址的 目的地,但不同的人可以在本地地址簿中输入 "Alice "的本地地址簿条目,指的是不同的目的地。 人们仍然可以通过导入已发布的地址簿,导入新的同伴的公开地址簿来发现新的名字。 通过添加通过第三方提供的条目,或者(如果一些人组织 如果一些人使用先到先得的注册方式组织了一系列公布的地址簿 ,人们可以选择把这些地址簿当作名称服务器,模仿传统的DNS。
注意: 关于I2P命名系统背后的原因,反对它的常见论点 和可能的替代方案,请参见naming discussion。
I2P中没有中央命名机构。 所有的主机名都是本地的。
命名系统相当简单,大部分是在路由器外的应用程序中实现的。 但与 I2P 发行版捆绑在一起。 这些组件是:
- 本地的命名服务 可以进行查找,并处理Base32地址.
- HTTP代理要求路由器进行查找,并将用户指向远程跳转服务 以协助解决查询失败的问题。
- HTTP host-add 表单 允许用户添加 hosts 到他们本地的 hosts.txt
- HTTP 跳转(jump)服务 提供它们自身的网络查询和重定向。
- 地址簿 应用程序将通过HTTP检索外部 列表与本地列表合并。
- SusiDNS 应用程序是一个简单的网络前端 用于配置地址簿和查看本地主机列表。
I2P的所有目的地都是516字节(或更长)的密钥。 (更准确地说,是256字节的公钥加128字节的签名密钥 加上3个或更多字节的证书,用Base64表示就是516个或更多字节。 非空的证书 现在被用于 用于签名类型的指示。 因此,最近生成的目的地中的证书是超过3个字节的。
如果一个应用程序(i2ptunnel或HTTP代理)希望访问 目的地的名字,路由器会做一个非常简单的本地查询 来解决。
Hosts.txt 名称服务
hosts.txt 命名服务在文本文件中进行简单的线性搜索。 这个命名服务是默认的,直到 0.8.8版之前,默认一直是这个命名服务,直到它被Blockfile命名服务所取代。 hosts.txt格式在文件增加到数千个条目后太慢。
它在三个本地文件中进行线性搜索,依次 查找主机名并将其转换为516字节的目标密钥。 每个文件都是简单的 配置文件格式,hostname=base64,每行一个。 这些文件是
- privatehosts.txt
- userhosts.txt
- hosts.txt
Blockfile 命名服务
Blockfile命名服务将多个 "地址簿 "存储在 一个名为hostsdb.blockfile的数据库文件中。 这个命名服务从0.8.8版本开始成为默认。
一个区块文件只是在磁盘上存储多个排序的地图(键值对)。 实现为skiplists。 区块文件的格式在Blockfile页面上被指定。 它以一种紧凑的格式提供快速的目的地查询。虽然blockfile的开销很大。 目的地是以二进制存储的,而不是像hosts.txt格式那样以Base 64存储的。 此外,区块文件还提供了任意元数据存储的能力。 (例如添加日期、来源和评论),以实现高级地址簿的功能。 与hosts.txt格式相比,块状文件的存储需求增加不大,而且块状文件 在查询时间上减少了大约10倍。
创建时,命名服务从hosts.txt命名服务使用的三个文件中导入。 区块文件模仿以前的实现,维护三个地图,按顺序搜索,分别为privatehosts.txt、userhosts.txt和hosts.txt。 它还维护了一个反向查找地图,以实现快速反向查找。
查询是不分大小写的, 并只使用第一个匹配,不检测冲突。 在查找中不执行命名规则。 查询会被缓存几分钟。 Base32的解析在下面有描述。 关于命名服务API的完整描述,请参见 Naming Service Javadocs。 这个API在0.8.7版本中被大大扩展,以提供 用主机名添加、删除并储存任意的属性和其他功能。
命名服务是通过配置属性i2p.naming.impl=class指定的。 其他的实现也是可能的:例如, 有一个实验性用于在路由器内通过网络进行实时查询的设施(就像DNS一样)。 更多信息见讨论页上的替代。
HTTP代理通过路由器对所有以'.i2p'结尾的主机名进行查询。 否则,它会将请求转发到配置好的HTTP外代理。 因此,所有的HTTP(I2P网站)主机名必须以伪顶级域'.i2p'结尾。
.i2p.alt Domain
We previously applied to reserve the .i2p TLD following the procedures specified in RFC 6761. However, this application and all others were rejected, and RFC 6761 was declared a "mistake".After many years of work by the GNUnet team and others, the .alt domain was reserved as a special-use TLD in RFC 9476 as of late 2023. While there are no official registrars sanctioned by IANA, we have registered the .i2p.alt domain with the primary unofficial registrar GANA. This does not prevent others from using the domain, but it should help discourage it.
One benefit to the .alt domain is that, in theory, DNS resolvers will not forward .alt requests once they update to comply with RFC 9476, and that will prevent DNS leaks. For compatibility with .i2p.alt hostnames, I2P software and services should be updated to handle these hostnames by stripping off the .alt TLD. These updates are scheduled for the first half of 2024.
At this time, there are no plans to make .i2p.alt the preferred form for display and interchange of I2P hostnames. This is a topic for further research and discussion.
地址簿应用程序会定期 检索其他用户的hosts.txt文件并将其与本地hosts.txt合并,并经过多次检查。 命名冲突以先到先得的方式解决。
订阅另一个用户的hosts.txt文件意味着给予他们一定程度的信任。 你肯定不希望他们,例如,"劫持 "一个新网站 在把真正的的host/key输入给你之前,替换成他们自己的key,从而 "劫持 "一个新的网站。
只有http://i2p-projekt.i2p/hosts.txt (http://udhdrtrcetjm5sxzskjyr5ztpeszydbh4dpl3pl4utgqqw2v4jna.b32.i2p/hosts.txt)
用户必须在他们的地址簿应用程序中配置其他的订阅(通过 subscriptions.txt 或 SusiDNS)。
这些服务的运营商可能有不同的政策来注册主机。 出现在这个名单上并不意味着得到认可。
While there are hopefully not any technical limitations within I2P on host names, the address book enforces several restrictions on host names imported from subscriptions. It does this for basic typographical sanity and compatibility with browsers, and for security. The rules are essentially the same as those in RFC2396 Section 3.2.2. Any hostnames violating these rules may not be propagated to other routers.
- Names are converted to lower case on import.
- Names are checked for conflict with existing names in the existing userhosts.txt and hosts.txt (but not privatehosts.txt) after conversion to lower case.
- Must contain only [a-z] [0-9] '.' and '-' after conversion to lower case.
- 开头必须不能是 '.' 或者 '-'。
- 结尾必须是 '.i2p'。
- 最多67个字符,包括 '.i2p'。
- 不能包含 '..'。
- Must not contain '.-' or '-.' (as of
- Must not contain '--' except in 'xn--' for IDN.
- Base32 hostnames (*.b32.i2p) are reserved for base 32 use and so are not allowed to be imported.
- Certain hostnames reserved for project use are not allowed (proxy.i2p, router.i2p, console.i2p, mail.i2p, *.proxy.i2p, *.router.i2p, *.console.i2p, *.mail.i2p, and others)
- Hostnames starting with 'www.' are discouraged and are rejected by some registration services. Some addressbook implementations automatically strip 'www.' prefixes from lookups. So registring 'www.example.i2p' is unnecessary, and registering a different destination for 'www.example.i2p' and 'example.i2p' will make 'www.example.i2p' unreachable for some users.
- Keys are checked for base64 validity.
- Keys are checked for conflict with existing keys in hosts.txt (but not privatehosts.txt).
- Minimum key length 516 bytes.
- Maximum key length 616 bytes (to account for certs up to 100 bytes).
Any name received via subscription that passes all the checks is added via the local naming service.
Note that the '.' symbols in a host name are of no significance, and do not denote any actual naming or trust hierarchy. If the name 'host.i2p' already exists, there is nothing to prevent anybody from adding a name 'a.host.i2p' to their hosts.txt, and this name can be imported by others' address book. Methods to deny subdomains to non-domain 'owners' (certificates?), and the desirability and feasibility of these methods, are topics for future discussion.
International Domain Names (IDN) also work in i2p (using punycode 'xn--' form). To see IDN .i2p domain names rendered correctly in Firefox's location bar, add 'network.IDN.whitelist.i2p (boolean) = true' in about:config.
As the address book application does not use privatehosts.txt at all, in practice this file is the only place where it is appropriate to place private aliases or "pet names" for sites already in hosts.txt.
Advanced Subscription Feed Format
As of release 0.9.26, subscription sites and clients may support an advanced hosts.txt feed protocol that includes metadata including signatures. This format is backwards-compatible with the standard hosts.txt hostname=base64destination format. See the specification for details.Outgoing Subscriptions
Address Book will publish the merged hosts.txt to a location (traditionally hosts.txt in the local I2P Site's home directory) to be accessed by others for their subscriptions. This step is optional and is disabled by default.
Hosting and HTTP Transport Issues
The address book application, together with eepget, saves the Etag and/or Last-Modified information returned by the web server of the subscription. This greatly reduces the bandwidth required, as the web server will return a '304 Not Modified' on the next fetch if nothing has changed.
However the entire hosts.txt is downloaded if it has changed. See below for discussion on this issue.
Hosts serving a static hosts.txt or an equivalent CGI application are strongly encouraged to deliver a Content-Length header, and either an Etag or Last-Modified header. Also ensure that the server delivers a '304 Not Modified' when appropriate. This will dramatically reduce the network bandwidth, and reduce chances of corruption.
Host Add Services
A host add service is a simple CGI application that takes a hostname and a Base64 key as parameters and adds that to its local hosts.txt. If other routers subscribe to that hosts.txt, the new hostname/key will be propagated through the network.
It is recommended that host add services impose, at a minimum, the restrictions imposed by the address book application listed above. Host add services may impose additional restrictions on hostnames and keys, for example:
- A limit on number of 'subdomains'.
- Authorization for 'subdomains' through various methods.
- Hashcash or signed certificates.
- Editorial review of host names and/or content.
- Categorization of hosts by content.
- Reservation or rejection of certain host names.
- Restrictions on the number of names registered in a given time period.
- Delays between registration and publication.
- Requirement that the host be up for verification.
- Expiration and/or revocation.
- IDN spoof rejection.
Jump Services
A jump service is a simple CGI application that takes a hostname as a parameter
and returns a 301 redirect to the proper URL with a ?i2paddresshelper=key
string appended.
The HTTP proxy will interpret the appended string and
use that key as the actual destination.
In addition, the proxy will cache that key so the
address helper is not necessary until restart.
Note that, like with subscriptions, using a jump service implies a certain amount of trust, as a jump service could maliciously redirect a user to an incorrect destination.
To provide the best service, a jump service should be subscribed to several hosts.txt providers so that its local host list is current.
SusiDNS is simply a web interface front-end to configuring address book subscriptions and accessing the four address book files. All the real work is done by the 'address book' application.
Currently, there is little enforcement of address book naming rules within SusiDNS, so a user may enter hostnames locally that would be rejected by the address book subscription rules.
Base32 Names
I2P supports Base32 hostnames similar to Tor's .onion addresses.
Base32 addresses are much shorter and easier to handle than the
full 516-character Base64 Destinations or addresshelpers.
Example: ukeu3k5oycgaauneqgtnvselmt4yemvoilkln7jpvamvfx7dnkdq.b32.i2p
In Tor, the address is 16 characters (80 bits), or half of the SHA-1 hash. I2P uses 52 characters (256 bits) to represent the full SHA-256 hash. The form is {52 chars}.b32.i2p. Tor has a proposal to convert to an identical format of {52 chars}.onion for their hidden services. Base32 is implemented in the naming service, which queries the router over I2CP to lookup the LeaseSet to get the full Destination. Base32 lookups will only be successful when the Destination is up and publishing a LeaseSet. Because resolution may require a network database lookup, it may take significantly longer than a local address book lookup.
Base32 addresses can be used in most places where hostnames or full destinations are used, however there are some exceptions where they may fail if the name does not immediately resolve. I2PTunnel will fail, for example, if the name does not resolve to a destination.
Extended Base32 Names
Extended base 32 names were introduced in release 0.9.40 to support encrypted lease sets. Addresses for encrypted leasesets are identified by 56 or more encoded characters, not including the ".b32.i2p" (35 or more decoded bytes), compared to 52 characters (32 bytes) for traditional base 32 addresses. See proposals 123 and 149 for additional information.
Standard Base 32 ("b32") addresses contain the hash of the destination. This will not work for encrypted ls2 (proposal 123).
You can't use a traditional base 32 address for an encrypted LS2 (proposal 123), as it contains only the hash of the destination. It does not provide the non-blinded public key. Clients must know the destination's public key, sig type, the blinded sig type, and an optional secret or private key to fetch and decrypt the leaseset. Therefore, a base 32 address alone is insufficient. The client needs either the full destination (which contains the public key), or the public key by itself. If the client has the full destination in an address book, and the address book supports reverse lookup by hash, then the public key may be retrieved.
So we need a new format that puts the public key instead of the hash into a base32 address. This format must also contain the signature type of the public key, and the signature type of the blinding scheme.
This section documents a new b32 format for these addresses. While we have referred to this new format during discussions as a "b33" address, the actual new format retains the usual ".b32.i2p" suffix.
Creation and encoding
Construct a hostname of {56+ chars}.b32.i2p (35+ chars in binary) as follows. First, construct the binary data to be base 32 encoded:
flag (1 byte) bit 0: 0 for one-byte sigtypes, 1 for two-byte sigtypes bit 1: 0 for no secret, 1 if secret is required bit 2: 0 for no per-client auth, 1 if client private key is required bits 7-3: Unused, set to 0 public key sigtype (1 or 2 bytes as indicated in flags) If 1 byte, the upper byte is assumed zero blinded key sigtype (1 or 2 bytes as indicated in flags) If 1 byte, the upper byte is assumed zero public key Number of bytes as implied by sigtype
Post-processing and checksum:
Construct the binary data as above. Treat checksum as little-endian. Calculate checksum = CRC-32(data[3:end]) data[0] ^= (byte) checksum data[1] ^= (byte) (checksum >> 8) data[2] ^= (byte) (checksum >> 16) hostname = Base32.encode(data) || ".b32.i2p"
Any unused bits at the end of the b32 must be 0. There are no unused bits for a standard 56 character (35 byte) address.
Decoding and Verification
Strip the ".b32.i2p" from the hostname data = Base32.decode(hostname) Calculate checksum = CRC-32(data[3:end]) Treat checksum as little-endian. flags = data[0] ^ (byte) checksum if 1 byte sigtypes: pubkey sigtype = data[1] ^ (byte) (checksum >> 8) blinded sigtype = data[2] ^ (byte) (checksum >> 16) else (2 byte sigtypes) : pubkey sigtype = data[1] ^ ((byte) (checksum >> 8)) || data[2] ^ ((byte) (checksum >> 16)) blinded sigtype = data[3] || data[4] parse the remainder based on the flags to get the public key
Secret and Private Key Bits
The secret and private key bits are used to indicate to clients, proxies, or other client-side code that the secret and/or private key will be required to decrypt the leaseset. Particular implementations may prompt the user to supply the required data, or reject connection attempts if the required data is missing.
- XORing first 3 bytes with the hash provides a limited checksum capability, and ensures that all base32 chars at the beginning are randomized. Only a few flag and sigtype combinations are valid, so any typo is likely to create an invalid combination and will be rejected.
- In the usual case (1 byte sigtypes, no secret, no per-client auth), the hostname will be {56 chars}.b32.i2p, decoding to 35 bytes, same as Tor.
- Tor 2-byte checksum has a 1/64K false negative rate. With 3 bytes, minus a few ignored bytes, ours is approaching 1 in a million, since most flag/sigtype combinations are invalid.
- Adler-32 is a poor choice for small inputs, and for detecting small changes. We use CRC-32 instead. CRC-32 is fast and is widely available.
- While outside the scope of this specification, routers and/or clients must remember and cache (probably persistently) the mapping of public key to destination, and vice versa.
- Distinguish old from new flavors by length. Old b32 addresses are always {52 chars}.b32.i2p. New ones are {56+ chars}.b32.i2p
- Tor discussion thread is here
- Don't expect 2-byte sigtypes to ever happen, we're only up to 13. No need to implement now.
- New format can be used in jump links (and served by jump servers) if desired, just like b32.
- Any secret, private key, or public key longer than 32 bytes would exceed the DNS max label length of 63 chars. Browsers probably do not care.
- No backward compatibility issues. Longer b32 addresses will fail to be converted to 32-byte hashes in old software.