I2P dev meeting, November 19, 2002 @ 23:00 UTC
(Courtesy of the wayback machine http://www.archive.org/)
Quick recap
- Present:
al-jabr, Chocolate, dd0c, Fairwitness, goc, hezekiah, mids, nemesis, Neo, nop, Robert, sanity, sinster, tarpY, tc, zic,
Pełny protokół IRC
--- Log opened Tue Nov 19 23:51:34 2002
23:52 < logger> test
23:52 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+o mids] by Trent
23:52 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+v logger] by mids
23:53 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+oo nop UserX] by mids
23:57 <@mids> public IIP meeting in channel #iip-dev starting in 2.5 minutes
23:57 < nemesis> lol
23:57 < zic> anybody from Ukrain? message me! hehehe
23:58 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+o hezekiah] by mids
23:58 <@hezekiah> Hello again, mids!
23:58 < Robert> Hey Nemesis, have you seen http://www.bash.org/?top
23:58 * athena sees hezekiah in a whole new light :p
23:58 < nemesis> bash?
23:58 <@mids> Robert: they are down
23:58 <@mids> what!
23:58 <@mids> they are back!
--- Day changed Wed Nov 20 2002
00:00 <@mids> Tue Nov 19 23:00:00 UTC 2002
00:00 <@nop> welcome
00:00 <@nop> welcome
00:00 <@nop> to the 20th?
00:00 <@nop> IIP meeting
00:00 <@hezekiah> 20th!
00:00 <@mids> yes
00:00 <@nop> yes on the agenda today...
00:01 <@nop> mids...
00:01 <@mids> 1) welcome
00:02 <@mids> 2) getting rc3 out
00:02 <@mids> 3) sneak preview on rc3
00:02 <@mids> 4) snacks and drinks
00:02 <@mids> 5) questions
00:02 <@mids> .
00:02 <@nop> thnx
00:02 <@nop> ok
00:02 <@nop> so we are having rc3 officially released thursday
00:02 <@nop> please mark that in your calendars
00:02 <@mids> we hope :)
00:02 <@mids> (unless sourceforge is down again)
00:03 <@nop> right, did they fix the ro on nfs?
00:03 <@mids> yes
00:03 <@nop> was it their mistake?
00:03 < tarpY> i am here for the food
00:03 <@mids> it was announced on their status page btw
00:03 <@nop> ok
00:03 <@mids> maintenance
00:03 <@nop> gotcha
00:03 <@nop> probably doing backups
00:03 < tarpY> i wanted to order pizza off of the freenet and i found out they wont
00:03 <@nop> :)
00:03 < tarpY> where can i get food here
00:03 <@mids> tarpY: #muchnies-to-take-away
00:04 <@nop> ok
00:04 <@mids> what will be new in rc3:
00:04 <@nop> so Thursday we will get that out
00:04 <@nop> oh
00:04 <@nop> Mids, I believe you have the changelog handy
00:04 <@nop> if not
00:04 <@mids> me too
00:04 <@nop> I'll display
00:04 <@nop> ok
00:04 < sinster> will rc3 have a decent install script for *nix?
00:04 <@mids> - Display of version number for windows (menu option) and unix (command line).
00:04 <@mids> - Random number generation fix.
00:04 <@mids> - IIP network connections are no longer paused while in the setup screen.
00:04 <@mids> - Now exits if it can't bind to a socket at startup.
00:04 <@mids> Windows now displays a message box informing that it can't bind to port.
00:04 <@mids> - Several bugfixes and one memory leak fixed.
00:04 <@mids> .
00:04 <@mids> sinster: no, that is what hezekiah is working on
00:05 <@mids> that will be 1.2
00:05 <@hezekiah> Not quite ...
00:05 <@nop> ok
00:05 < zic> are there plans for translating the (nice) faq @ help.invisiblenet.net ?
00:05 <@nop> anyone who wants to translate
00:05 <@nop> please do
00:05 < sinster> mids/hezekiah: will it add iip to /etc/rc.d/ so that it starts automatically? just a suggestion
00:05 <@nop> we would very much appreciate it
00:05 <@nop> and have it on the site
00:05 < zic> will rc3 demand any mod in the FAQ?
00:06 <@mids> sinster: I got a script here... but that needs more testing
00:06 <@mids> sinster: maybe we'll add that with 1.1 final
00:06 <@hezekiah> sinster: that would not be distribution compatible, since different distros put startup stuff in different places.
00:06 <@mids> zic: no
00:06 < sinster> mids: yeah, make sure you test it on the major linux flavors, redhat, debian etc
00:06 <@nop> well, can we wait on quesitons
00:06 <@nop> please
00:06 < zic> my isproxy is scripted in /etc/init.d (debian), works perfectly
00:06 <@mids> oops
00:06 <@nop> till the questions and answers
00:06 < zic> sorry!
00:06 < zic> sorry!
00:06 <@hezekiah> Sorry.
00:06 <@nop> it gets confusing
00:06 <@nop> ;)
00:06 <@nop> sorry
00:06 < sinster> nop: ok
00:06 < tarpY> no translating everyone should speak english.
00:07 < sinster> nop: my bad
00:07 <@nop> no prob
00:07 <@mids> any questions on the changelog?
00:07 <@mids> no?
00:07 <@mids> nop: sneak preview?
00:07 <@nop> hold my relay just bit the dust
00:08 <@nop> wait till everyone comes back
00:08 <@mids> auch
00:08 <@nop> delay can be annoying in a meeting
00:08 <@nop> ;)
00:08 <@nop> everyone still here?
00:08 <@mids> seems like it
00:09 <@hezekiah> I didn't see anyone leave.
00:09 <@nop> ok
00:09 < zic> i am (does i matter? hehe)
00:09 <@nop> well there is a delay feature we have
00:09 <@nop> ;)
00:09 <@nop> ok
00:09 < al-jabr> I didn't either.
00:09 <@nop> guess my relay got kicked off the list for unreliability
00:09 <@nop> haha
00:09 <@mids> hehe
00:09 * Robert joins #muchnies-to-take-away while he waits...
00:09 <@mids> there we go
00:09 <@nop> yep
00:10 <@nop> there's another
00:10 <@nop> ;)
00:10 < al-jabr> there goes five.
00:10 <@hezekiah> We really need to do something about that. :(
00:10 < nemesis> erm
00:10 < nemesis> mids
00:10 <@nop> hezekiah: spread spectrum routing
00:11 < tc> is this glitches in the relay system?
00:11 <@nop> ;)
00:11 <@nop> my windows relay box crashed
00:11 <@nop> typical
00:11 < nemesis> for win2k / xp, thers in the future a build without gui
00:11 <@hezekiah> lol
00:11 < nemesis> or only gui to setup
00:11 < nemesis> and the rest as an daemon?
00:11 <@nop> it would be nice to have it as a service
00:11 <@nop> ;)
00:12 < nemesis> yes
00:12 < nemesis> ;)
00:12 <@nop> there is a program out there called service installer
00:13 <@nop> ok
00:13 <@nop> well
00:13 < nemesis> iip.exe --install
00:13 <@nop> no more delays
00:13 < nemesis> like apache for win
00:13 <@mids> is everybody already back?
00:14 <@nop> ok
00:15 <@nop> welcome baci
00:15 <@nop> back
00:15 < nemesis> matrix's neo? ;)
00:15 <@nop> ok
00:15 <@nop> I think they are back
00:16 <@mids> yes
00:16 <@nop> ok
00:16 <@nop> sneak preview
00:16 <@mids> I made a FLT-iip.1.1-rc3-pre1-mids-sneak-preview-screaner.tgz
00:16 <@mids> everybody with unix can test it
00:16 <@mids> no windows version yet
00:16 <@nop> I can make one right now
00:16 <@nop> if you want
00:16 < zic> lol
00:16 <@mids> http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/iip/iip-1.1-rc3-mids1.tgz
00:16 < nemesis> thats ok
00:16 < nemesis> i wait
00:16 < zic> OGG or LAME audio?
00:17 <@mids> I am especially looking forward to reports on obscure unix versions
00:17 <@mids> like netbsd etc
00:17 < nemesis> i think, its not so important when a unix machine crash with 30 days uptime
00:17 <@mids> and macosx
00:17 < nemesis> as an windows machine with 3 days uptime ;)
00:17 < tc> mids: is this change just in the isproxy or in any other relay stuff also?
00:17 <@nop> no
00:17 <@nop> you keep your settings
00:17 <@nop> did we test that it can install over the previous one
00:17 <@nop> hmm
00:18 <@nop> make a note
00:18 < zic> nemesis: but it would be cool if it never crashed. but let's kill the talking here. we are in a formal meeting
00:18 < nemesis> hehe
00:18 <@nop> ok
00:18 <@nop> if anyone wants to test if the upgrade process is trivial
00:18 < nemesis> don't test it on meeting days ;)
00:18 <@nop> then please go ahead
00:18 <@nop> and email or notify one of the devs of the results
00:18 <@mids> please test it next to your current relay
00:18 <@mids> and yes, please give feedback
00:19 <@mids> on what went wrong
00:19 <@mids> etc
00:19 <@nop> wb tarpY
00:19 <@nop> let's put that screener in the topic
00:19 < goc> is it possible to run isproxy-rc2 and isproxy-almost-rc3 simultaneously?
00:19 <@nop> yes
00:20 <@nop> different port settings
00:20 <@nop> and it's not hard at all
00:20 < goc> where's the conf file stored?
00:20 <@nop> but rc3 should be able to go over rc2
00:20 <@nop> you might have to do a -f /dir
00:20 <@nop> or you may have it go over the rc2 install
00:21 < tarpY> are you going to eventually remove the proxy and integrate it into a client?
00:21 <@nop> probably not
00:21 <@nop> the idea is transparent applications
00:21 <@nop> it's a transport medium
00:21 <@nop> and we'll remove the server
00:21 <@nop> and integrate it into the proxy yes
00:22 <@nop> mids, can we have your link on the topic
00:22 <@nop> for the preview
00:22 -!- mids changed the topic of #iip-dev to: IIP meeting | logs: http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/iip/ | sneak rc3 preview for unix http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/iip/iip-1.1-rc3-mids1.tgz | please give feedback
00:23 <@nop> ok
00:23 < zic> compiling
00:23 <@nop> so that's the rc3 unix preview
00:23 <@nop> next on agenda
00:23 <@nop> I think it's food and drinks
00:23 <@mids> snacks and drinks
00:23 < zic> i want pizza
00:24 * mids gives a Quattro-Strationi to zic
00:24 < zic> it's stinking :-/
00:24 < zic> what did you put on that?
00:24 <@mids> ok
00:24 <@mids> questions?
00:24 < zic> i have
00:24 < tc> zic: dead fish
00:24 < zic> tc ehhe
00:25 < tc> does this just change the proxy?
00:25 < zic> i propose a translation project...
00:25 <@nop> also
00:25 <@nop> we need a doc writer
00:25 <@nop> for technical documentation
00:25 <@nop> updates
00:25 <@mids> volunteers?
00:26 < zic> i would be, but my english is bad hehe
00:26 < zic> i prefer translating things
00:26 <@nop> translation: any volunteer
00:26 * zic !
00:26 <@nop> what languages?
00:26 * zic -=> portuguese only
00:27 <@nop> ok
00:27 <@nop> any other volunteers for specific languages
00:27 < Fairwitness> English :)
00:27 < nemesis> english and german ;)
00:28 <@nop> English, is done, unfortunately it's the primary language
00:28 <@nop> FW are you planning to assist with tech docs then
00:28 <@nop> ?
00:28 < Fairwitness> sure, if you want help. I like to write...
00:28 < zic> i would like to help with something else, but i dont know what i need, and i am a mediocre coder
00:28 < zic> s/i/you
00:29 < Fairwitness> ...and I can't code for shit...
00:29 <@nop> zic translation is great
00:29 < zic> i can make debian packages
00:29 <@nop> that's definitely a plus
00:29 < zic> but this is not good for RC
00:29 <@nop> correct
00:29 < zic> but i can test it
00:29 <@nop> but debian wants to include IIP as a package when stable
00:30 < zic> is there anybody doing this?
00:30 <@mids> I got to sleep now
00:30 <@mids> ...
00:30 <@mids> bye all
00:30 <@nop> ok
00:30 <@hezekiah> Bye!
00:30 < Fairwitness> bye mids
00:30 < zic> bye mids
00:30 <@nop> ok so FW
00:30 <@nop> can you assist with docs
00:30 < tc> bye
00:30 < Neo> nightz
00:30 < Fairwitness> sure, what do you need done?
00:30 <@nop> I have to upgrade the docs on encryption
00:30 <@nop> and we're going to need docs for 1.2
00:31 <@nop> soon
00:31 <@nop> and full regular docs for 1.1 stable that have been reviewed
00:31 <@nop> and are considered good for general audience
00:31 < Fairwitness> define "general".
00:31 < nemesis> ;)
00:32 <@nop> well, when stable is released
00:32 <@nop> we'd like a good docs to accompany
00:32 < nemesis> that i understand this ;)
00:32 < Fairwitness> general public or general crypto techno fetish geek
00:32 < Fairwitness> :)
00:32 <@nop> a little in between
00:32 < nemesis> hrhr
00:32 < nemesis> make some nice pictures
00:32 <@nop> enough to be in the middle and answers questions for all users
00:32 < nemesis> and say this is the securest irc network
00:32 < nemesis> like m$
00:32 < nemesis> this winxp is the stablest windows
00:33 < nemesis> ;)
00:33 < zic> "anoymousest"
00:33 <@nop> haha
00:33 < Fairwitness> Well if you give me the docs you have I can go through them and review and edit them for a general release.
00:33 < zic> what about wiki documentation?
00:33 <@nop> do you know how to make .chm file in windows
00:34 < Fairwitness> In my RL I have got quite good an writing software docs that are understandable by "generl" folks as well as non english speakers.
00:34 < nemesis> xml to chm?
00:34 < nemesis> ;)
00:34 < nemesis> or latex to chm
00:34 <@nop> .chm is like the help doc in win32
00:35 <@nop> we can discuss that later
00:35 <@nop> ok
00:35 <@nop> http://www.invisiblenet.net/iip/docsMain.php
00:35 < nemesis> i know.. k later..
00:36 <@nop> ok
00:36 <@nop> any other questions?
00:36 < zic> what is the future of mankind?
00:37 < Fairwitness> are there any caffinated beverages here?
00:37 < Fairwitness> if not, why not!
00:37 <@nop> haha
00:37 < tc> zic: wonderous .. if we can survive assholes
00:37 < Fairwitness> I demand intra venus V as my price for editing docs !!
00:37 < Fairwitness> :)
00:38 < Fairwitness> Hi Neo
00:38 <@nop> ok
00:38 <@nop> meeting officially ended
00:38 < Fairwitness> but, my V!!
00:38 < zic> hahaha
00:39 * Fairwitness slumps in the chair.
00:40 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+o Chocolate] by Trent
00:40 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+n] by Chocolate
00:40 <@Chocolate> damn I alwasy miss them :(
00:40 < nemesis> hrhr
00:40 < nemesis> Chocolate: ;)
00:44 < zic> nictuku:/home/yves/freenet# [2002/11/19-23:41:02]:Socket(5), Error (98):Failed to bind listening socket.
00:44 < zic> [2002/11/19-23:41:02]:sockListen: bind failed: host(, port(6667)Failed to bind listening socket.
00:45 < zic> it should say it exited
00:45 <@hezekiah> If you do a "ps -e | grep isproxy" you shouldn't see it on the list.
00:45 < zic> i know
00:45 <@hezekiah> However, that is a good idea.
00:45 < zic> but it should printf that
00:47 < sanity> are you talking about how to kill isproxy?
00:47 <@hezekiah> No. What isproxy should do when it doesn't load.
00:52 < zic> is iip already meant to be popular?
00:52 < nemesis> i don't know
00:52 < nemesis> it's like
00:53 < nemesis> cryptomail
00:53 < zic> i bet it isnt in freshmeat and tucows, for example.. is it? it could
00:53 < nemesis> when there are no way to share files with more than under 1kbyte/sec then i don't have a good look at the future
00:54 < zic> but iip is not about sharing files..
00:55 < nemesis> thats true
00:55 < nemesis> but what can i do with an chating plattform
00:55 < nemesis> when i can't send the other people the newest own mp3 mix?
00:56 < zic> chat!
00:56 < nemesis> theres to many options what you can do with files
00:56 < nemesis> when it's only a chatlog
00:56 < zic> i bet in OPN ppl dont care about sending things
00:56 <@Chocolate> zic: iip is on freshmeat I beleave
00:56 < nemesis> what you will send the other one
00:56 < nemesis> or a new perlscript for xchat
00:56 < nemesis> and so on
00:57 < nemesis> desktop pics
00:57 <@Chocolate> nemesis: use fileserv.pl, it's under the GPL so you can make any modifications you want
00:57 < zic> i think he knows that chocolate
00:57 < nemesis> erm
00:57 <@Chocolate> zic: well I forgot to include the licence header in the file so :)
00:57 < nemesis> test it on windows with xchat and active perl please
00:58 < nemesis> and say me how i can use it
00:58 < nemesis> or make a faq
00:58 < zic> Chocolate: oh yes, you made it. thank you, btw
00:58 < nemesis> ;)
00:59 < zic> Chocolate: is it possible to make a perl-version compatible MIRC script ?
00:59 < nemesis> ;)
01:00 < nemesis> where need a shareware?
01:00 < nemesis> xchat under win is more stable and open than mirc
01:00 < nemesis> i only miss the drag and drop option bye filesend
01:00 < zic> but mirc is far more popular
01:00 < nemesis> and?
01:01 < zic> and many IIP users use mirc
01:01 < nemesis> i had mirc 6.00 for 1 to 2 month
01:01 < nemesis> it crashes always after some hours
01:01 < zic> i used mirc all my life
01:01 < zic> i like mirc a lot
01:01 < nemesis> and it takes 3 month or so for the next version
01:01 < nemesis> then
01:01 < nemesis> the multiserv
01:01 < nemesis> in the performlist
01:01 < nemesis> it deleted and reorganized the list
01:02 < nemesis> in xchat i can use the (very slow) transparent windowbackground
01:02 < nemesis> have good ssl support for other irc networks that support this
01:02 < zic> nemesis: ok, but ppl use it, so fileserver.pl must have a compatible clone for mirc...
01:03 < nemesis> for every server a own perform list and so on
01:03 < nemesis> mirc
01:03 < nemesis> thats an programing language the mirc script?
01:04 < zic> hmm it's mirc's own scripting language
01:04 < zic> which is btw very known, my first interpreted language was mirc's
01:05 < nemesis> lol
01:05 < nemesis> *sorry*
01:05 < nemesis> make a good if then constallation
01:05 < nemesis> i stopped it
01:06 < nemesis> cause i can't finde the way to make it possible in mirc
01:06 < zic> why not?
01:07 < zic> well, nevermind
01:07 < nemesis> it's to hard to explain it in english sorry guy
01:08 < zic> ok, dont worry, sorry for pushing
01:08 < zic> what i meant is just that fileserver.pl needs compatibility.. hehe
01:08 < nemesis> kk
01:09 < nemesis> find a way in your mirc scripting language ;)
01:09 < zic> :-/
01:09 < zic> i dont even use windows anymore
01:09 < nemesis> i only liked the easy way to make windows with mirc
01:29 < sanity> .
01:29 < zic> '
01:31 < zic> going to opn, see you
02:44 < dd0c> is this rc3 preview useable?
02:44 < dd0c> heh dumb question
--- Log closed Wed Nov 20 10:43:44 2002