I2PCon 2015は、この種の催しとしては初めてのものだった。短期的な目標は2つあった。 第一に、プライバシーの獲得に関する知識を得ることができる催しを一般の人々に提供すること。 2つ目は、暗号、匿名性、I2Pを中心とした事柄に関する主題で技術的な議論を行い、I2Pプロジェクトとそのコミュニティを更に発展させること。

この催しのより大きな、より長期的な目標は、プライバシーを意識する個人のコミュニティを構築することだった。 プライバシーの重要性を認識する人々を繋ぐことで、このコミュニティが成長できるフォーラムを提供したかったのだ。

この催しの構想は、Toronto Cryptoの素晴らしい友人たちから生まれた。 会場はHacklab.toに提供された。 宣伝広告は@YrB1rdとSiewが指揮を執った。 上記の協力者がいなければ、この催しは実現しなかっただろう。

Slides and Video

Slides are also available as an in-I2P torrent. (magnet link) (tracker page)

Note: Video links will be posted as they become available.

Note that in-I2P torrents may also be available on the non-private internet due to bridging by Vuze clients.


All videos are by z3r0fox. Twitter ライセンス: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Slides by psi: Public domain.

Slides by str4d and zzz: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Slides by others: Contact the author for license information.


Colin Mahns has a strong interest in the use of anonymity and encryption technology to help preserve human rights in the digital age. Twitter

David Dagon is a postdoc researcher at Georgia Tech focused on botnets, malware, network security, and DNS. His interest in I2P is centered on preserving user privacy, autonomous filtering, and anti-abuse. More info

J is the head of Toronto Crypto. Twitter

Lance James is the founder of the Invisibile IRC Project, the predecessor to I2P, back in 2002. He founded his own cyber threat intelligence company in 2003. He's been focused on network security, malware research, and information security ever since. During 2011-2013, he was Director of Threat Intelligence for The Vigilant, which was acquired by Deloitte in 2013. He recently left Deloitte to do consulting through his company The James Group. More info; Twitter

Nicholas D. is a member of Hacklab Toronto. Twitter

Nicholas Johnston is a Professor of Information Security in Sheridan College's School of Applied Computing in the InfoSec Bachelor's degree program. His previous professional career was in digital forensics and investigations. He is also a contractor specializing in incident response. His research areas include secure software development and data analytics. Twitter

PsiはI2Pの開発者です。 Twitter

Str4dはI2Pの開発者です。 Twitter

ZzzはI2Pの開発者です。 Twitter


Toronto Star article on Nicholas Johnston's talk


Talk Presenter ビデオ Slides
720p MP4
YouTube Playlist
480p MP4
Introduction zzz, Nicholas D., J I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
pdf odp
TOS and PII - What happens to your data when the company gets bought and sold? Nicholas Johnston I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
pdf --
Growing the Network, Spreading the Word zzz I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
pdf odp
Roundtable Discussion Colin, David Dagon, Nicholas Johnston, zzz I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
-- --
Cryptoparty Introduction J -- -- -- --


Talk Presenter ビデオ Slides
720p MP4
YouTube Playlist
480p MP4
I2P Monitoring and Filtration David Dagon I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
pdf --
The Connection Limit Challenge zzz I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
pdf odp
Hello from Lance Lance James I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
-- --
I2P Application Development Introduction psi I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
pdf --
The Agony and the Ecstasy of I2P on Android str4d I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
I2P magnet link
Non-private internet magnet link
pdf odp
HORNET Overview str4d -- -- pdf odp
Roadmap and Organizational Meetings zzz -- -- pdf odp