• Beküldte: 2004-07-13
  • Készítette: I2P devs
Hash: SHA1

Ev'nin' gang, its that time of the week

* Index
1) and
2) Bandwidth limiting
3) Website
4) Python API
5) File sharing
6) ???

* 1) and

So as y'all saw, the other day we came out with the release,
but as I soon found out, there was a problem with the build which I
hadn't caught.  Its a trivial little bug with the build scripts
that I added when trying to include support for the 1.5 JDK, but
its pretty fatal, as the jar files built are corrupt (though kaffe
handles them fine :)

So, thats been fixed in CVS and will be packaged in a new
release soon.  I was going to push it yesterday but I came up with a
bit of a breakthrough when running the sim, so I'm following that
lead at the moment and will hold up the release until I get things

That does mean however that the live net is going to be kinda shitty
until then (not fatal, but not fantastic).

* 2) Bandwidth limiting

There have been a lot of discussions on #i2p lately regarding the
bandwidth limiting algorithm used, and based on that I've updated the
code to allow for much smoother bandwidth usage, rather than the
bursty limiter from 0.3.2 and  This allows you to keep the
burst size the same as your rate, which is useful for people who have
high bandwidth contention.  There will be some minor updates though
as the whole FIFO gets to be a bit of a problem in some environments
when the other side is rrreeeeaaallllyyy sssllloooowwww.

* 3) Website

Thanks to the hard work of duck and ugha, we've been making some
great progress on the site redesign - http://www.i2p.net/redesign/
There is still a lot of work to do, but duck and I agree that it'd be
best if we can replace the existing www.i2p.net/ page ASAP.  So,
during the meeting we can discuss what is left to be done, snag
volunteers for various tasks, and draw that line in the sand.

Wilde also snagged an uncorrupted copy of the old website (yay!) so
we can use that to recover some data.

* 4) Python API

Connelly has posted up [1] some ideas for a socket style interface
for Python using SAM that could perhaps be implemented similarly
across other languages.  The idea of mirroring the socket API has
value, both because of its usability and because it works the way
standard multithreaded / streaming apps work.  There is a downside
though related to the old "multithreaded and streaming" vs "event
based and messaging" debate.  Both have their merits, but I suppose
the key question is what do actual apps want?  I dunno.

[1] http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-July/000326.html

* 5) File sharing

There have been some more discussions about file sharing on the
list and in the forum, as usual ;)  No resolution yet from what I
can see but still some good dialog.  But I suppose we'll see what
will be when we see what will be.

* 6) ???

I'm sure I've missed some things, and my mind is kind of scattered
at the moment, so swing on by tonight's meeting and we'll talk
about whats up.


Version: PGP 8.1
