I2P enables a JSONRPC2 interface via the plugin I2PControl. The aim of the interface is to provide simple way to interface with a running I2P node. A client, itoopie, has been developed in parallel. The JSONRPC2 implementation for the client as well as the plugin is provided by the java libraries JSON-RPC 2.0. A list of implementations of JSON-RPC for various languages can be found at the JSON-RPC wiki.
I2PControl is by default listening on https://localhost:7650
API, version 1.
Parameters are only provided in a named way (maps).
JSON-RPC 2 format
"id": "id",
"method": "Method-name",
"params": {
"Param-key-1": "param-value-1",
"Param-key-2": "param-value-2",
"Token": "**actual token**"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
"id": "id",
"result": {
"Result-key-1": "result-value-1",
"Result-key-2": "result-value-2"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
- method-name – Popis
- Param-key-1 – Popis
- Param-key-2 – Popis
- Token – Token used for authenticating every request (excluding the 'Authenticate' RPC method)
- Result-key-1 – Popis
- Result-key-2 – Popis
- Request:
- Response:
Implemented methods
- Authenticate – Creates and returns an authentication token used for further communication.
- API – [long] The version of the I2PControl API used by the client.
- Password – [String] The password used for authenticating against the remote server.
- API – [long] The primary I2PControl API version implemented by the server.
- Token – [String] The token used for further communication.
- Request:
- Response:
- Echo – Echoes the value of the echo key, used for debugging and testing.
- Echo – [String] Value will be returned in response.
- Token – [String] Token used for authenticating the client. Is provided by the server via the 'Authenticate' RPC method.
- Result – [String] Value of the key 'echo' in the request.
- Request:
- Response:
- GetRate – Fetches rateStat from router statManager. Creates stat if not already created.
- Stat – [String] Determines which rateStat to fetch, see ratestats.
- Period – [long] Determines which period a stat is fetched for. Measured in ms.
- Token – [String] Token used for authenticating the client. Is provided by the server via the 'Authenticate' RPC method.
- Result – [double] Returns the average value for the requested rateStat and period.
- Request:
- Response:
- I2PControl – Manages I2PControl. Ports, passwords and the like.
- *i2pcontrol.address – [String] Sets a new listen address for I2PControl (only and are implemented in I2PControl currently).
- *i2pcontrol.password – [String] Sets a new password for I2PControl, all Authentication tokens will be revoked.
- *i2pcontrol.port – [String] Switches which port I2PControl will listen for connections on.
- Token – [String] Token used for authenticating the client. Is provided by the server via the 'Authenticate' RPC method.
- **i2pcontrol.address – [null] Returned if address was changed
- **i2pcontrol.password – [null] Returned if setting was changed
- **i2pcontrol.port – [null] Returned if setting was changed
- SettingsSaved – [Boolean] Returns true if any changes were made.
- RestartNeeded – [Boolean] Returns true if any changes requiring a restart to take effect were made.
- Request:
- Response:
- RouterInfo – Fetches basic information about the I2P router. Uptime, version etc.
- *i2p.router.status – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.uptime – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.version – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.net.bw.inbound.1s – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.net.bw.inbound.15s – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.net.bw.outbound.1s – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.net.bw.outbound.15s – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.net.status – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.net.tunnels.participating – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.netdb.activepeers – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.netdb.fastpeers – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.netdb.highcapacitypeers – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.netdb.isreseeding – [n/a]
- *i2p.router.netdb.knownpeers – [n/a]
- Token – [String] Token used for authenticating the client. Is provided by the server via the 'Authenticate' RPC method.
- **i2p.router.status – [String] What the status of the router is. A free-format, translated string intended for display to the user. May include information such as whether the router is accepting participating tunnels. Content is implementation-dependent.
- **i2p.router.uptime – [long] What the uptime of the router is in ms. Note: i2pd routers prior to version 2.41 returned this value as a string. For compatibility, clients should handle both string and long.
- **i2p.router.version – [String] What version of I2P the router is running.
- **i2p.router.net.bw.inbound.1s – [double] The 1 second average inbound bandwidth in Bps.
- **i2p.router.net.bw.inbound.15s – [double] The 15 second average inbound bandwidth in Bps.
- **i2p.router.net.bw.outbound.1s – [double] The 1 second average outbound bandwidth in Bps.
- **i2p.router.net.bw.outbound.15s – [double] The 15 second average outbound bandwidth in Bps.
- **i2p.router.net.status – [long] What the current network status is. According to the below enum:
- 0 – OK
- 3 – HIDDEN
- 8 – ERROR_I2CP
- **i2p.router.net.tunnels.participating – [long] How many tunnels on the I2P net are we participating in.
- **i2p.router.netdb.activepeers – [long] How many peers have we communicated with recently.
- **i2p.router.netdb.fastpeers – [long] How many peers are considered 'fast'.
- **i2p.router.netdb.highcapacitypeers – [long] How many peers are considered 'high capacity'.
- **i2p.router.netdb.isreseeding – [boolean] Is the router reseeding hosts to its NetDB?
- **i2p.router.netdb.knownpeers – [long] How many peers are known to us (listed in our NetDB).
- Request:
- Response:
- RouterManager – Manages I2P router restart/shutdown.
- *FindUpdates – [n/a] Blocking. Initiates a search for signed updates.
- *Reseed – [n/a] Initiates a router reseed, fetching peers into our NetDB from a remote host.
- *Restart – [n/a] Restarts the router.
- *RestartGraceful – [n/a] Restartuje router běžně, ohleduplně (čeká na vypršení platnosti participujících tunelů).
- *Shutdown – [n/a] Shuts down the router.
- *ShutdownGraceful – [n/a] Shuts down the router gracefully (waits for participating tunnels to expire).
- *Update – [n/a] Initiates a router update from signed sources.
- Token – [String] Token used for authenticating the client. Is provided by the server via the 'Authenticate' RPC method.
- **FindUpdates – [boolean] Blocking. Returns true iff a signed update has been found.
- **Reseed – [null] If requested, verifies that a reseed has been initiated.
- **Restart – [null] If requested, verifies that a restart has been initiated.
- **RestartGraceful – [null] Pokud je požádáno, dojde k ověření, že byl zahájen běžný restart.
- **Shutdown – [null] If requested, verifies that a shutdown has been initiated
- **ShutdownGraceful – [null] If requested, verifies that a graceful shutdown has been initiated
- **Update – [String] Blocking. If requested, returns the status of the the update
- Request:
- Response:
- NetworkSetting – Fetches or sets various network related settings. Ports, addresses etc.
- *i2p.router.net.ntcp.port – [String] What port is used for the TCP transport. If null is submitted, current setting will be returned.
- *i2p.router.net.ntcp.hostname – [String] What hostname is used for the TCP transport. If null is submitted, current setting will be returned.
- *i2p.router.net.ntcp.autoip – [String] Use automatically detected ip for TCP transport. If null is submitted, current setting will be returned.
- *i2p.router.net.ssu.port – [String] What port is used for the UDP transport. If null is submitted, current setting will be returned.
- *i2p.router.net.ssu.hostname – [String] What hostname is used for the UDP transport. If null is submitted, current setting will be returned.
- *i2p.router.net.ssu.autoip – [String] Which methods should be used for detecting the ip address of the UDP transport. If null is submitted, current setting will be returned.
- *i2p.router.net.ssu.detectedip – [null] What ip has been detected by the UDP transport.
- *i2p.router.net.upnp – [String] Is UPnP enabled. If null is submitted, current setting will be returned.
- *i2p.router.net.bw.share – [String] How many percent of bandwidth is usable for participating tunnels. If null is submitted, current setting will be returned.
- *i2p.router.net.bw.in – [String] How many KB/s of inbound bandwidth is allowed. If null is submitted, current setting will be returned.
- *i2p.router.net.bw.out – [String] How many KB/s of outbound bandwidth is allowed. If null is submitted, current setting will be returned.
- *i2p.router.net.laptopmode – [String] Je zapnut režim laptopu (změna identity routeru a UDP portu při změně IP). Pokud je odesláno null, vrátí se současné nastavení.
- Token – [String] Token used for authenticating the client. Is provided by the server via the 'Authenticate' RPC method. If null is submitted, current setting will be returned.
- Note: i2pd routers prior to version 2.41 returned some of these values as numbers. For compatibility, clients should handle both strings and numbers.
- **i2p.router.net.ntcp.port – [String] If requested, returns the port used for the TCP transport.
- **i2p.router.net.ntcp.hostname – [String] If requested, returns the hostname used for the TCP transport.
- **i2p.router.net.ntcp.autoip – [String] If requested, returns the method used for automatically detecting ip for the TCP transport.
- **i2p.router.net.ssu.port – [String] If requested, returns the port used for the UDP transport.
- **i2p.router.net.ssu.hostname – [String] If requested, returns the hostname used for the UDP transport.
- **i2p.router.net.ssu.autoip – [String] If requested, returns methods used for detecting the ip address of the UDP transport.
- **i2p.router.net.ssu.detectedip – [String] If requested, returns what ip has been detected by the UDP transport.
- **i2p.router.net.upnp – [String] If requested, returns the UPNP setting.
- **i2p.router.net.bw.share – [String] If requested, returns how many percent of bandwidth is usable for participating tunnels.
- **i2p.router.net.bw.in – [String] If requested, returns how many KB/s of inbound bandwidth is allowed.
- **i2p.router.net.bw.out – [String] If requested, returns how many KB/s of outbound bandwidth is allowed.
- **i2p.router.net.laptopmode – [String] Pokud je požádáno, vrátí režim laptopu.
- SettingsSaved – [boolean] Have the provided settings been saved.
- RestartNeeded – [boolean] Is a restart needed for the new settings to be used.
- Request:
- Response:
- AdvancedSettings – Allows for manipulation of advanced i2p settings
- {"setting-key": "setting-value", ...} – [Map
] - {"setting-key": "setting-value", ...} – [Map
] - "setting-key" – [String]
- Set: – Set the sent key-value pairs
- SetAll: – Set the sent key-value pairs, remove everything else
- Get: – Get the key-value pairs for the sent keys
- GetAll: – Get all the key-value pairs
* denotes an optional value.
** denotes a possibly occuring return value
Error codes
- Standard JSON-RPC2 error codes.
- -32700 – JSON parse error.
- -32600 – Invalid request.
- -32601 – Method not found.
- -32602 – Invalid parameters.
- -32603 – Internal error.
- I2PControl specific error codes.
- -32001 – Invalid password provided.
- -32002 – No authentication token presented.
- -32003 – Authentication token doesn't exist.
- -32004 – The provided authentication token was expired and will be removed.
- -32005 – The version of the I2PControl API used wasn't specified, but is required to be specified.
- -32006 – The version of the I2PControl API specified is not supported by I2PControl.