Mac OS Easy Install Bundle
We are excited to offer you a DMG-based bundle for Mac OS. It installs and behaves the same way many other Mac OS applications do and does not require a Java Runtime Environment to be available.
چطور از آن استفاده کنم؟
Double-Click on the .dmg file, which you may download from this page. When a window appears with the I2P application inside it, "drag" the application to the "Applications" side of the window to install it. Once you're finished, I2P is installed and can be launched from Finder. This procedure is the same as any other Mac application. When you launch I2P, the I2P icon will appear on the Dock and a few seconds later a browser will open with the I2P console page, inviting you to complete the bandwidth setup wizard.
If you want to browse hidden websites ('eepsites') on the I2P network, you need to configure your browser. Instructions for configuring a range of browsers are available on the browser configuration page.
Why should I use it?
Two important reasons, 1) because this package is a .dmg, it can be signed with a certificate which will be recognized by your computer. This means that your computer can automatically make sure that you've obtained I2P from the I2P Project, rather than a potentially altered or "fake" installer, and 2) because it makes I2P easier to install and work with on Apple computers by using tools that are familiar and built-into the operating system.
Important Note: The 2.1.0 Mac OSX Easy Install Bundle release is delayed. Please install the 1.9.0 release below. You will be notified in the router console when the 2.1.0 update is available. Thank you for your patience.

Download the appropriate file for your Mac hardware and double-click on it. Accept the License Agreement, then
drag the I2P
icon on top of the Applications
Launch I2P from Finder.
Apple Silicon Notes
If you own an Apple silicon Mac and have previously installed the Intel bundle on it you need to change the update configuration to make sure the next I2P update does not revert your bundle to Intel.
Go to the "Configure Update" page, usually located at:
Then copy-paste the following in the "News URL" field:
محدودیت ها
I2P will not install any launch agents on your Mac. If you want I2P to start on system startup, you need to configure a launch agent yourself. You can configure I2P to launch when your user logs in by right-clicking on the I2P Dock icon.