• Δημοσιεύτηκε: 2019-02-14
  • Συγγραφέας: zlatinb

Hello everyone,

There are many projects in the I2P world that we are excited about, but not all of them are ready for prime-time. We decided to create a place where we can make those available for anyone interested in trying them out, that will serve as proving grounds for projects that may one day become official I2P products. This place is the I2P Laboratory.

In the lab we will be offering downoads ready for you to try. Keep in mind that they are not going to be "release" quality, and some may not even be "beta" quality. We do not offer official support for them. Any of the lab projects may get discontinued at any time.

If you are feeling adventurous we invite you to try our ideas. We welcome your feedback at the I2P Lab Forum.