================ I2PControl API 2 ================ Author: hottuna Created: 2016-01-23 Thread: http://zzz.i2p/topics/2030 Last updated: 2018-03-22 Status: Rejected Overview ======== This proposal outlines API2 for I2PControl. This proposal was rejected and will not be implemented, because it breaks backwards compatibility. See the discussion thread link for details. Developer headsup! ------------------ All RPC paramters will now be lower case. This *will* break backwards compatibility with API1 implementations. The reasons for this is to provide users of >=API2 with simplest most coherent possible API. API 2 Specification =================== { "id": "id", "method": "method_name", "params": { "token": "auth_token", "method_param": "method_parameter_value", }, "jsonrpc": "2.0" } { "id": "id", "result": "result_value", "jsonrpc": "2.0" } Parameters ---------- "id" The id number or the request. Used to identify which reply was spawn by which request. "method_name" The name of the RPC that is being invoked. "auth_token" The session authentication token. Needs to be supplied with every RPC except for the 'authenticate' call. "method_parameter_value" The method parameter. Used to offer a different flavors of a method. Like 'get', 'set' and flavors like that. "result_value" The value that the RPC returns. Its type and contents depends on the method and which method. Prefixes -------- The RPC naming scheme is similar to how it's done in CSS, with vendor prefixes for the different API implementations (i2p, kovri, i2pd):: XXX.YYY.ZZZ i2p.XXX.YYY.ZZZ i2pd.XXX.YYY.ZZZ kovri.XXX.YYY.ZZZ The overall idea with vendor-specific prefixes is to allow for some wiggle room and let implementations innovate without having to wait for every other implementation to catch up. If a RPC is implemented by all implementations its multiple prefixes can be removed and it can be included as a core RPC in the next API version. Method reading guide -------------------- * **rpc.method** * *parameter* [type of parameter]: [null], [number], [string], [boolean], [array] or [object]. [object] being a {key:value} map. :: "return_value" [string] // This is the value returned by the RPC call Methods ------- * **authenticate** - Given that a correct password is provided, this method provides you with a token for further access and a list of supported API levels. * *password* [string]: The password for this i2pcontrol implementation :: [object] { "token" : [string], // The token to be used be supplied with all other RPC methods "api" : [[int],[int], ...] // A list of supported API levels. } * **control.** - Control i2p * **control.reseed** - Start reseeding * [nil]: No parameter needed :: [nil] * **control.restart** - Restart i2p instance * [nil]: No parameter needed :: [nil] * **control.restart.graceful** - Restart i2p instance gracefully * [nil]: No parameter needed :: [nil] * **control.shutdown** - Shut down i2p instance * [nil]: No parameter needed :: [nil] * **control.shutdown.graceful** - Shut down i2p instance gracefully * [nil]: No parameter needed :: [nil] * **control.update.find** - **BLOCKING** Search for signed updates * [nil]: No parameter needed :: true [boolean] // True iff signed update is available * **control.update.start** - Start update process * [nil]: No parameter needed :: [nil] * **i2pcontrol.** - Configure i2pcontrol * **i2pcontrol.address** - Get/Set the ip address that i2pcontrol listens to. * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: "" [string] * *set* [string]: This will be an ip address like "" or "" :: [nil] * **i2pcontrol.password** - Change the i2pcontrol password. * *set* [string]: Set the new password to this string :: [nil] * **i2pcontrol.port** - Get/Set the port that i2pcontrol listens to. * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: 7650 [number] * *set* [number]: Change the port that i2pcontrol listens to to this port :: [nil] * **settings.** - Get/Set i2p instance settings * **settings.advanced** - Advanced settings * *get* [string]: Get the value of this setting :: "setting-value" [string] * *getAll* [null]: :: [object] { "setting-name" : "setting-value", [string] ".." : ".." } * *set* [string]: Set the value of this setting * *setAll* [object] {"setting-name" : "setting-value", ".." : ".." } :: [nil] * **settings.bandwidth.in** - Inbound bandwidth settings * **settings.bandwidth.out** - Outbound bandwidth settings * *get* [nil]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: 0 [number] * *set* [number]: Set the bandwidth limit :: [nil] * **settings.ntcp.autoip** - Get IP auto detection setting for NTCP * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: true [boolean] * **settings.ntcp.hostname** - Get NTCP hostname * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: "" [string] * *set* [string]: Set new hostname :: [nil] * **settings.ntcp.port** - NTCP port * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: 0 [number] * *set* [number]: Set new NTCP port. :: [nil] * *set* [boolean]: Set NTCP IP auto detection :: [nil] * **settings.ssu.autoip** - Configure IP auto detection setting for SSU * *get* [nil]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: true [boolean] * **settings.ssu.hostname** - Configure SSU hostname * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: "" [string] * *set* [string]: Set new SSU hostname :: [nil] * **settings.ssu.port** - SSU port * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: 0 [number] * *set* [number]: Set new SSU port. :: [nil] * *set* [boolean]: Set SSU IP auto detection :: [nil] * **settings.share** - Get bandwidth share percentage * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: 0 [number] // Bandwidth share percentage (0-100) * *set* [number]: Set bandwidth share percentage (0-100) * **settings.upnp** - Enable or disable UPNP * *get* [nil]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: true [boolean] * *set* [boolean]: Set SSU IP auto detection :: [nil] * **stats.** - Get stats from the i2p instance * **stats.advanced** - This method provides access to all stats kept within the instance. * *get* [string]: Name of the advanced stat to be provided * *Optional:* *period* [number]: The period for the requested stat * **stats.knownpeers** - Returns the number of known peers * **stats.uptime** - Returns the time in ms since the router started * **stats.bandwidth.in** - Returns the inbound bandwidth (ideally for the last second) * **stats.bandwidth.in.total** - Returns the number of bytes received since last restart * **stats.bandwidth.out** - Returns the outbound bandwidth (ideally for the last second)' * **stats.bandwidth.out.total** - Returns the number of bytes sent since last restart' * **stats.tunnels.participating** - Returns the number of tunnels participated in currently * **stats.netdb.peers.active** - Returns the number of peers we've recently communicated with * **stats.netdb.peers.fast** - Returns the number of 'fast' peers * **stats.netdb.peers.highcapacity** - Returns the number of 'high capacity' peers * **stats.netdb.peers.known** - Returns the number of known peers * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: 0.0 [number] * **status.** - Get i2p instance status * **status.router** - Get router status * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: "status" [string] * **status.net** - Get router network status * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: 0 [number] /** * 0 – OK * 1 – TESTING * 2 – FIREWALLED * 3 – HIDDEN * 4 – WARN_FIREWALLED_AND_FAST * 5 – WARN_FIREWALLED_AND_FLOODFILL * 6 – WARN_FIREWALLED_WITH_INBOUND_TCP * 7 – WARN_FIREWALLED_WITH_UDP_DISABLED * 8 – ERROR_I2CP * 9 – ERROR_CLOCK_SKEW * 10 – ERROR_PRIVATE_TCP_ADDRESS * 11 – ERROR_SYMMETRIC_NAT * 12 – ERROR_UDP_PORT_IN_USE * 13 – ERROR_NO_ACTIVE_PEERS_CHECK_CONNECTION_AND_FIREWALL * 14 – ERROR_UDP_DISABLED_AND_TCP_UNSET */ * **status.isfloodfill** - Is the i2p instance currently a floodfill * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: true [boolean] * **status.isreseeding** - Is the i2p instance currently reseeding * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: true [boolean] * **status.ip** - Public IP detected of this i2p instance * *get* [null]: This parameter does not need to be set. :: "" [string]