I2P Release 2.2.0 DDoS Mitigations, New Release Maintainer
I2P Release 2.2.0 Moved Post
About the recent Denial of Service attacks I2P remains intact with impaired performance
Update on Mac Easy Install Notarization Easy Install Bundle for Mac is stalled
Windows Easy-Install 2.1.0 Release Windows Easy-Install Bundle 2.1.0 released to improve stability, performance.
2.1.0 Release 2.1.0 with SSU2 and congestion fixes
Easy Install 2.0.0 for Windows, OSX delayed by 1 Month Bugfixes, Stability/Compatibility Improvements and 2.0.0
2.0.0 Release 2.0.0 enables SSU2
Windows Easy-Install Bundle 1.9.5 Release Windows Easy-Install Bundle 1.9.5
Windows Easy-Install Bundle 1.9.0 Release Windows Easy-Install Bundle 1.9.0 - Major Stability/Compatibility Improvements